Another documentary film production!

Welp, looking at our company’s web-page it seems like we have a lot of documentary film production posts! Our focus is video production, photography, and graphic design. That being said, these Army films are our largest projects.

The sixth film, in less than a year and a half mind you, has been released! France ’44: The Wet Gap Crossing at Nancy takes place shortly after D-Day in World War II and follow’s Patton’s Third Army across France.

Army University Press’ goal with this film is a tool to inform our soldier of the complexity and massive scale of a wet gap crossing. For nonmilitary folks out there, wet gap = river. Now that you know it’s a river, imagine trying to cross hundreds of tanks (each weighing over 65,000 lbs.) across a river… …without a bridge in place.

Personal note from Nick:

I had no idea the complexity involved in a wet gap crossing. When I read the script, I knew immediately Chapter 8, Gap Crossing Fundamentals [beginning at 25:44] would be a challenge. I assigned our extremely talented animator, Adam Hoffsette, to the task. The script was DENSE with information and I quickly got lost. I also happen to edit the narrator’s audio… and again, got lost. After the first draft Adam presented it all was crystal clear.

The effort our lead editor Andrew Cornwell put in also deserves praise. His skill continues to grow with this documentary film production and it shows. Keeping a grasp on all the moving parts on an hour-long feature film is no easy task.

A major shout out to the Army University Team and Loch Harbour Group for the support needed to accomplish this.”

The film was reviewed by many high-ranking officers. Most notably General Lundy, the CAC CG. This three-star general has been a constant supporter, asset, and most of all fan of our films. General Lundy will be retiring in a couple weeks and he will be missed. We knew for a while this film was extremely important to him and we are proud of the finished product.

Now that this film is out, the crew has already begun another documentary film production! We are truly lucky to be making films for a living!

documentary film production

If you are looking for videography, cinematography, film production we would love to talk with you. Please feel free to contact us today.