The honor to serve our military continues! 29 Pixel Studios proudly produced the Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) Documentary, the Drive to Baghdad.
Of the five films 29 Pixel Studios has produced for Army University Press, this one certainly had the most potential for controversy. Whether to go into Iraq (2003) was the right move or not isn’t the focus here.
When a client works with 29 Pixel, we constantly come back to, “what is the objective of this project?”
These documentaries are meant to be used as a teaching tool for the United States Army.
Traveling as far and as quickly as V Corps did, while arriving combat ready, was quite an accomplishment. America suffered minimal losses getting to Baghdad. That being said, there were lessons to be learned. We hope our soldiers take those lessons from this film.
Our soldier’s and commander’s ability to remain adaptive and vigilant is certainly a story to be told. The quick thinking and compassion in Najaf could have an entire Hollywood movie in itself!
Congratulations to the writing team at Army University Press. The 3D modelers (and in our opinion cinematographers) that built all the environments. Congratulations to the staff ride creators. A huge thank you to the 29 Pixel Studios team who continue to rock it!
And of course, to those who lace up boots every day so we can make movies for a living.
Continuing the story will be a second OIF film that will begin pre-production soon. 29 Pixel Studios has been tasked to focus all efforts and resources on the next film due to be released fairly soon.
A quick note of awesomeness. One of our films today will cross the 250,000-view count! That’s pretty big for a film about a single building, on the eastern front, in Stalingrad.
View count is *not* the objective of these films. We thought it would be neat to have a few thousand views, but teaching our soldiers is the goal. That being said… quarter million views is pretty cool.