Leavenworth Education Foundation

The Leavenworth Education Foundation theme this year was Inspire, Better Together, and inspiring it was.

29 Pixel Studios Leavenworth Education Foundation

Last year 29 Pixel Studios was excited to donate money to the Leavenworth Education Foundation. We ended up getting a table and were surprised by this fun table flag!

The speaker was fantastic and the youngest alumni to speak at this annual event. It was surprising how transformed the auditorium was and the breakfast was DELICIOUS!

Nick Schale believes that education is the absolute number one issue that America needs to lead the world in. Does money catapult the USA into first place, absolutely not. Does lack of funding put a school at a disadvantage, possibly.

“I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.” – John Adams

Once you have the basics covered, safe building, proper materials, and qualified teachers then it is time to push for more. Just like John Adams working for a better future for his grandchildren. We as a community must work for a better next generation.

This is defiantly the in line with the theme “Better Together.”

These funds go to teachers that have to write a ‘grant proposal’ and can really impact a kids’ trajectory. If you feel so inclined, here is a direct link to their websites donate page.

From their website: The Foundation was formed as a way of supporting educational efforts in the Leavenworth community that might not otherwise become a reality. It is a non-profit charitable foundation supported by individuals, organizations, and local business persons who seek to expand the learning opportunities within their community and is also supported administratively by the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation and Affiliated Trusts. The foundation is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit.

 One more quote: “No one has ever become poor from giving.” – Maya Angelou