Award Winning Documentary Film

Long overdue. The 29 Pixel Studios team has an award winning documentary film! Stalingrad” The Commissar’s House received 1st Place in Broadcast Category B (Long-Form Production Video, Unit Award).

This was the final level of competition and was Army wide!

Award Winning Documentary Film Stalingrad: The Commissar's House

This was the first video we produced for Army University Press. It was completed near the submission deadline in 2018. The film focuses on a very tactical level of military history.

In World War II, there was a massive battle in the city of Stalingrad. This film doesn’t focus on World War II as a whole. It drills down further than Germany vs Russia, Eastern Front, City of Stalingrad… all the way to a single building!

This building was the Commissar’s house.

This award winning documentary film is hopefully the first of many!

It feels like yesterday we won the contract to continue making films for Army U. We have completed three more films in less than a year and we hope all three get submitted to this year’s competition!

We continue to push our creativity with each film. Our animated maps depicting military movement use current (at the time 🙂 ) Army symbology. Historical footage and photographs are obviously a large part of the film. While we love the ‘Ken Burns’ effect, we kick it up a ton with our enhanced photos.

Animations showing opposing force strength, explosions, diagrams, and 3D modeling help boost the entertainment value.

The comments we have received on all four films have been tremendous! Multiple films have passed 100,000 views. This was unexpected and welcomed. While we love the view count going up, reading through the comments is a treat.

We feel that these movies are successful across all metrics. Views, thumbs up to down ratio, comments putting us above the history channel, 3-Star and 4-Star Generals encourage us to push the envelope!

Please let us know if you have a documentary film that needs a team of awesomeness to help you across the finish line!

One Comment

  1. Congratulations and good luck on all that you do. We are proud of you and your accomplishments, Nick and crew. So keep up the good work.